Kyudo Beginners Class

Ichige Japanese Archery Store is always looking for students for its beginner Kyudo classes. We are here to fully support those who say, "I want to start Kyudo, but I don't know where to go.”


Ichige Japanese Archery Store provides completely individualized instruction!

The employees at Ichige Japanese Archery Store are Kyudo instructors. This means we can provide one-on-one training for newcomers!

◆Please come and have a look first◆

If you are interested in taking up Kyudo, please come to Ichige Japanese Archery Store first.
I think the most important thing is to have someone watch us practice Kyudo.
If you are enthusiastic about trying Kyudo after visiting us, then you will begin Makiwara practice at the Kyudo shop.

◆Let's start practicing right away◆

After observing the Kyudo practice, it's time for you to practice.

You come to the kyudo shop, we will actually give you a lecture.
How to draw the bow, and once you have a good shooting form, you will draw the bow at the makiwara.

Of course, you will be taught one-on-one by a qualified Ichige Japanese Archery Store employee.

◆And your debut in front of the target◆

Once you have mastered the basics of kyudo through practice with a straw bow at the kyudo shop, you will finally be able to shoot your bow in front of the target like other archers.

"Don't you know how to put on your archery uniform?"

"Don't you know how to set up the target?"

"Don't you know how to take your arrow?"

"Don't you know the proper way to stand in front of the target?"

No problem!

Because you have us at Ichige Japanese Archery Store to back you up.

At first, no one knows the proper way to stand. That's why you practice and learn. It's okay to make mistakes because it's practice.

Of course, we'll teach you how to put on your uniform, so start archery at Ichige Japanese Archery Store and make your perfect debut in front of the target.